Add to Update Set

One of ServiceNow's most loved developer tools.

Add any record + attachments, translations, and dependencies to the active update set.

The Problem

Moving data between ServiceNow instances should be easy!

Update Sets are Limited

By default, ServiceNow update sets don't capture all the data we need.

XML Exports are Table-Specific

Data we need to move is often function-specific, not table-specific.

Too Many Dependencies

Gathering dependencies for a complex piece of functionality is difficult.

The Solution

Add to Update Set allows any data from any table to be added with a click. And it magically understands and adds dependencies.

Click to Add

Click the Add to Update Set link from any record or list, simple as that!

Consolidated Data

One update set can contain any data from any table, making migration a breeze.

Dependencies Tracked

Dependencies are automatically added to the update set for you.

Use Cases

Data Migration

Need to move data from multiple tables, but don't want to do multiple imports? Add to Update Set consolidates to a single step.

App Migration

Need to move a chunk of functionality like a Catalog Item or Portal Page? Add to Update Set gathers all dependencies for you.


Forget to add items to your update set during development? Add to Update Set helps you gather missing records with a click.

What our users say

"Just started using it, and I'm already in love!"

Vinod Frederick

"Essential utility for ServiceNow admins. I can't imagine working without it."

Andy Lock

"Hand's down one of the most useful utilities I've ever used.  I wanted to bulk copy some flows that were created outside of an update set.  This made the job so easy."

Michael Leone

"This tool is a must-have for anyone in an admin or developer role. I've relied on this for about as long as I've worked with ServiceNow.  Please keep up the amazing work!"

Steve McDonald

"This is such an amazing project and I have been using it it for so long it is like it is a part of the baseline product."

Martin Robinson

"I file this under "must have" for developers and admins"

Darren Church

Save development time and frustration with Add to Update Set.