
Inbound email routing made easy.

Postmaster provides a simple, point-and-click interface to manage how ServiceNow processes inbound email.

The Problem

Traditional inbound email routing in ServiceNow requires Javascript knowledge and is difficult to manage.


Inbound email actions require Javascript experience. Developers have higher priority tasks, so important email needs are often backlogged.

Difficult to Test

Changing a monolithic inbound email action can cause unexpected issues. Full regression testing each time you add an email rule is unwieldy.

Difficult to Manage

Organizations need to add/remove email rules all the time, and there is no safe way to make changes on-the-fly in ServiceNow.

The Solution

Postmaster provides a rules-based, point-and-click configurator so you can confidently add, remove, and manage email rules on-the-fly.

Postmaster transforms inbound email into routed, actionable tickets.

Most email routing requirements are simple - implementing them should also be. Postmaster rules are concise, point-and-click configurations.


Postmaster rules stand alone. Enabling, disabling, or modifying one rule won’t affect the rest of your inbound email, ensuring the durability of your solution.


Postmaster is simple to configure but offers advanced functionality. Capabilities like parsing email contents and ordering Catalog Items are easy.

Use Cases

Email Support

Postmaster analyzes email contents and ensures tickets are routed to the proper group. Quickly create email rules specific to emerging priorities like an unexpected outage or day-zero threat.


Email integration between systems remains a necessity. Postmaster parses structured email contents from external systems, ensuring that records are generated and fields populated appropriately.


Ordering Catalog Items via email is tricky, but Postmaster makes it easy. Users or systems can order items and populate variables via email, reducing manual effort.

Stop wrestling with inbound email and make it part of your ServiceNow strategy with Postmaster.